Trevor Houghton
Consulting, Crestpark
Listen, I know I'm ego stroking but Trevor is objectively a cool guy. What else would you expect from a guy where my first memory of him in college was teaching me and the other pledges "Frat 101". Professor Houghton taught us how to properly tap a keg and how to run a door at a party. Invaluable life skills that I know my parents would say more than justified my out-of-state tuition. But the professor didn't stop after college, when we were in New York he was the one organizing Hampton's parties and rallying crews to different bars. Now that he's a father of two, Trevor is doing things that all the 'cool Cali dad's' do (I mean look at that picture)....surfing, parents trips to remote beach towns in Mexico, owns a motorcycle, beach bonfires at Dockweilers, and hosting the best holiday party in Venice. Thank God he taught me how to run a door in college so I knew I could get in as long as I could naming a few brothers at the door...Meg, Merritt, and Davis
Trevor's 6 Recommendations in 6 Minutes
Written in his own words
📺 What to Watch:
Going with a book here, as I don’t watch enough TV or Movies to give a differentiated recommendation. Written by David Benioff, the screenwriter for Game of Thrones this one’s a gripping account of an adventurous and enterprising young boy behind the walls during the German blockade of St. Petersburg. Awesome historical fiction from WW2 theater in which the U.S. wasn’t a protagonist–something to expand our narrow American perspective.
🛒 Consumer Product:
Completely life changing. A bit of TMI–I dealt with some real dryness down there before I made the leap. It was really inconvenient…and itchy. Not a great look to be scratching all the time. The warm stream is very weird at first but it grows on you. Say goodbye to wiping 3 and 4 times…perfect clean every time. And the heated seat is a real treat in the winter.
📞 Phone App:
Covid has catalyzed a blood shortage crisis – the biggest in over a decade. Go give blood!
👍 Habit You Are Proud Of or Habit That You Are Working On:
Picked it up 5 or 6 years ago and it revolutionized the way I organized my day-to-day. Easy to start with the basic framework and evolve it to suit your needs over time. Highly recommend for compulsive organizers.
📜 Content:
Ben Thompson (Stratechery newsletter) would have been mine, but I’ll drop a different tech analyst. Benedict requires 20 minutes a week for all you need to know in tech. Bonus for his English wit.
🥉 Honorable Mention or Recommendation that Defies the Above Categorization:
Regular stretching has saved my back. To me, facilitated stretching is 10x better than a massage.
Thank you for the recommendations Trevor! Can't wait to pick up a bidet.
If you have others you think would be a good profile, drop me a note!
Ramble On,