6 in 6 | 6 Recommendations in 6 Minutes
Kacie Baker
Consulting, Current Tech Consulting
I am shocked that Kacie’s “6 in 6” has nothing related to music. Whereas most people, or maybe just me, shy away from the pressure of being the DJ at a party, this is where Kacie shines. She is the life of the party and almost always the DJ. Kacie is a longtime friend that is always up to date on the latest trends – I mean, you have to be if you are a technology consultant, right? In addition to her taste in music and tech savviness, I admire Kacie for how good of a friend she is to others and her selflessness. She’s always been supportive of my entrepreneurial idiocies (Cats Scoring Points anyone?) and this is no different. Thanks KCBB!
Kacie's 6 Recommendations in 6 Minutes Written in her own words
📺 What to Watch: The Pharmacist Though not a 2022 series, I watched this in the early days of the pandemic and felt like it was worth the mention. It’s about a father (a Louisiana Pharmacist) that loses his son to opioid addiction. It really opened my eyes to the opioid crisis. Though a heartbreaking story, it is inspiring the determination one man has to expose the corruption in the industry and help prevent future tragedies all while grieving the loss of his son. 🛒 Consumer Product: Hatch Restore An all-in-one sound machine, sunrise alarm, smart light, meditation app, and an alarm clock. It is also a wifi device controlled by an app, making it extra cool. I use this religiously every night, and it has greatly enhanced my sleep--which has become more of a priority in my early 30s ;) 📞 Phone App or Digital Product: Grammarly Can either use it in real-time or paste a document you've already written into the app, and it will call out any grammatical corrections/suggestions. A go-to for me for any important correspondence! Wish I had this in high school and college... 👍 Habit You Are Proud Of or Habit That You Are Working On: Trying to Cook at Home More Often I'm a big offender of eating out/ordering take out. While I’m a believer in trying new places and getting out, I realized I was spending an absurd amount per month on dining out. Baby steps... Using this very basic Meal Planner. Yes, there's probably an app for that, but having a physical list basically staring me down when I pass the fridge helps keep me on task! 📜 Content: @ThingsIBoughtAndLiked Recommendations on products across multiple categories. She's also not sponsored to promote products, making her a more reliable resource. Maybe you can get her on here ;) @carochambers She is hilarious and genuine, which is refreshing on Instagram. Also, her What to Cook When You Don't Feel Like Cooking Newsletter- helps a novice cook like me get inspired. MacRumors Provides latest news and updates on all things Apple, which is helpful for my business. Honorable Mention or Recommendation that Defies the Above Categorization: HALDI (For Skincare) I personally find the skincare market incredibly overwhelming. I recently discovered this HALDI website via (Caroline Chambers), and I think it's genius! You take a quiz based on your issues/concerns of your skin and let them know the current products you use. They then vet your existing products to make sure they are working in your favor and recommend supplements for where you might be lacking in your current routine. They'll give you all the recommendations for free, as well as an easy-to-follow morning and night routine. You can then decide what you want to purchase! They are a small company, and you can reach out directly to them with any questions and they will respond promptly! -- Thank you Kacie! Know anyone else who might be good to profile? Shoot me a note
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