Sharing the top 5 recommendations that I've either personally vetted or plan to watch:
Recommended Multiple Times
Yellowstone, TV Series on Peacock - "Compelling action and storylines"
Succession, TV Series on HBO Max - "A more intelligent Yellowstone"
Euphoria, TV Series of HBO Max - "Very well produced; I'll have a better sense of what my kids will go through," Jane
Recommendations I Plan To Personally Review
Dopesick, TV Series on Hulu - "very well done - riveting and insightful. It’s about Purdue Pharma and the opioid crisis it helped spawn"
For All Mankind, TV Series on AppleTV - "Historical fiction in which it follows astronauts and life in American where the Russians beat us to space. Similar to Man in the High Tower"
Recommendations Vetted By Myself
The Social Network, Movie on Amazon ($) - Great acting and characters, very interesting to learn more about Mark Zuckerberg especially as he starts to build the Metaverse. I hate re-watching movies, but loved re-watching this...timely.
Dr. Death, TV Series of Peacock - Great thriller that is based on a true story, a wild and sad story that kept getting crazier. I was hooked.
Want the rest of the 200-250 recommendations? Send an email with this site URL copied and CC '' and I will send you access to the full google doc below.
Ramble On,