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Elizabeth Belk


Movie - Apple

"The characters in this movie are so good and it recently won three Oscars: Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay. It’s uplifting and perfect for a Friday night in with a bottle of wine. (Apple TV)"

Teddy Garner

Dope Sick

TV Show - Hulu

"Riveting and insightful mini-series about Purdue Pharma and the opioid crisis it helped spawn"

Jane Ellington


TV Show - HBO Max

"The character development paired with the cinematography make Euphoria one of the best shows I've seen in years. "

Will Stewart


TV Show - HBO Max

"Got sucked in. Characters are really compelling Kieran Culkin and Brian Cox are really good."

Addy Collett

Ted Lasso

TV Show - Apple TV

"A show that will bring you joy + challenge you to see life from a lighter + brighter perspective."

Richard Seabrook

The Boys

TV Show - Amazon

"Refreshing take on how super heroes might actually behave in contrast to how they are portrayed by Marvel"

John Benjamin

The Lives of Others

Movie - Amazon

"There are a lot of great movies everyone knows about even if they haven't seen them. The Lives of Others is a little more under the radar (the movie's in German) -- a slow burn thriller with a kind of deep and unflinching ethical core. I think it's a masterpiece, and I say this as a viewer who doesn't tilt to its ideology.'

Kacie Blue

The Pharmacist

TV Show - Netflix

"Though not a 2022 series, I watched this in the early days of the pandemic and felt like it was worth the mention. It’s about a father (a Louisiana Pharmacist) that loses his son to opioid addiction. It really opened my eyes to the opioid crisis. Though a heartbreaking story, it is inspiring the determination one man has to expose the corruption in the industry and help prevent future tragedies all while grieving the loss of his son. "

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This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Want to view and manage all your collections? Click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Here, you can make changes to your content, add new fields, create dynamic pages and more. You can create as many collections as you need.

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Meg Houghton

Three Identical Strangers

Documentary - Hulu

"A fascinating true-life documentary on triplets separated at birth and raised by three different families. The kicker, none of them knew about it. There is a plethora of real content, spun together creating a suspenseful story. Your jaw will drop. Mrs. Doubtfire (Obligated; I’m taking on the management of Pierce Brosnan's Malibu home). Mrs. Doubtfire fits all my checklists for a go-to movie, the first being: a coming-of-age theme. I love storytelling with a focus on an adolescents's mental, emotional, and personal character growth. Pair that with family dynamics, humor and love; you have me hooked for 1.5 hours. "

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